ADP® understands the challenges small businesses face managing employees, complying with complex regulations, and finding ways to get more time back in your day.
ADP offers powerful tools to help you manage your payroll and reduce your administrative HR responsibilities to focus more of your time on the other demands of your business.
- Zip Recruiter*
- Background Checks
- Employee Training & Handbook Services
- Employee Perks/Discount Programs
- Retirement Plans & Services**
- Workers’ Compensation & Other Business Insurance Services***
To learn more about how RUN Powered by ADP can help your medical office succeed, please contact:
* Zip Recruiter is a registered trademark of Zip Recruiter, Inc.
** Unless otherwise disclosed or agreed to in writing with a client, ADP, LLC and its affiliates (ADP) do not endorse or recommend specific investment companies or products, financial advisors or service providers; engage or compensate any financial advisor or firm for the provision of advice; offer financial, investment, tax or legal advice or management services; or serve in a fiduciary capacity with respect to retirement plans. Investment options are available through the applicable entity(ies) for each retirement product.
***Automatic Data Processing Insurance Agency, Inc. (ADPIA) is an affiliate of ADP, LLC. All insurance products will be offered and sold only through Automatic Data Processing Insurance Agency, Inc., its licensed agents or its licensed insurance partners., 1 ADP Blvd., Roseland, NJ 07068. CA license #0D04044. Licensed in 50 states. Certain services may not be available in all states.